3D Color Printing UAV Parts for CICADA on HP Jet Fusion 580 Color 3D Printer

Platform Aerospace is 3D Color Printing UAV Parts for CICADA using the HP Jet Fusion 580 Color 3D Printer. Check out the video below to see it in action!

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) refers to CICADA as a low-cost, GPS-guided, micro disposable air vehicle that can be deployed in large numbers to “seed” and area with miniature electronic payloads. These air vehicles can be placed in hostile territory without directly flying over those hostile regions without having to expose human agents on the ground. The CICADA glide to the destination and because there are no motors, it makes them nearly undetectable in flight. Once they land, they can be used for various applications, such as meteorological, chemical, or biological measurements and signals intelligence (SIGINT) monitoring.

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